To have an idea what is the bedouin dinner in the mountains like, Try to imagine the Bedouin lifestyle and you will see a tent, low tables and a man wearing a Galabia and a black and white scarf around his head serving you tea.
Now use your imagination to look outside the tent, and you will see camels nearby and a magnificent clear sky full of sparkling stars.
Give it a go and try the most traditional Bedouin meal ” Mandy ” which is vegetables and chicken or lamb if you prefer.
The thing about this meal that it gets cooked in a barrel under the ground for a min. of 3 hours so the steam can soften it and enrich it with a taste you will never forget..
We are proud to be Bedouin, we love it and we would love if you try it!
You can book the Bedouin Dinner at the diving center and normally it takes from around 7:00pm till 11:00pm in the mountains.